The Management Team consulted 17 Implementing Partners as to how they would like to go forward in the next Five years.  The board members who are also the founding members of the Organisation spent quality time together with two farmers, a teacher and SCOPE Secretariat trying to establish the future of the Organisation. The SCOPE ZAMBIA Strategic Plan has therefore been put together taking into consideration of many different views and ideas from both within and outside the Organisation.  Here is the summary of the SCOPE ZAMBIA Strategic Plan for 2019-2023.  Kindly read on to get the full details of the plan of this document.


Schools, colleges and communities living in natural abundance

Mission Statement

Our mission is to assist schools, colleges and communities to live in abundance using their whole land creatively to produce a diverse range of nutritious food and other useful products; providing countless learning possibilities; contributing to community resilience and to the development of the whole person.                                                  

Core values

  • Promoting deep and thoughtful care for the environment and everything in it, based on a wholesome view that understands the interconnections between all things.
  • Promoting a needs based integrated land design practice that creatively weaves together the building of resilience within the ecosystem while moving communities towards food sovereignty, nutrition and income security.
  • Emphasize the identification and creative use of local and indigenous resources and knowledge while rooted in our culture and celebrating intergenerational learning.
  • Genuine and wide participation of young people at all levels of our activities.
  • Make learning fun, practical and relevant for everyone, while having an integrated approach across the curricular and promoting the inclusive and active participation of whole communities.
  • Ensuring systematic and regular reflection and learning from experience, and planning ahead strategically at all levels, in partnership with our stakeholders.
  • Ensuring user friendly, regular and systematic documentation and transparent information sharing.
  • Always start small, ensure quality and grow organically.

Strategic Priority Areas

Strategic Areas: these were the areas discussed and agreed upon as area of focus for 2019-2023:

  1. Capacity building of the implementing partners.
  2. Capacity building of SCOPE Zambia as a network organization.
  3. Organizational Development and institutional strengthening of SCOPE Zambia
  4. Regional linkages and experience sharing among the SCOPE country
  5. Communication, advocacy and sustainable land use management

The above priority areas will be implemented under the following Strategic objectives

Strategic Objective 1: To strengthen SCOPE Zambia as a network supporting its members deepening their practice

Strategic objective 2: To develop demonstration Centres of sustainable land use in pilot schools in a participatory and integrated way

Strategic Objective 3: To improve the sustainability of SCOPE Zambia and its members and serve as models of resilience for the target communities and other beneficiaries.

Strategic Objective 4: To promote documentation and sharing of information, skills and other resources with and between local and international stakeholders

Strategic Objective 5: To communicate and make visible our messages on relevant policy issues

Key result areas are outlined for use in measuring the achievement of the strategic Plan. There are three annexes at the end of the document namely; Logframe which contains activities for each Strategy, outputs, outcomes and expected results; the operational budget and the implementation plan.  The total amount required to operationalize this strategic Plan is K39,285.71  We will also use our core values or principles of effectiveness to measure our performance.


NGO – Non-Governmental Organisation
ILUD –  Integrated land use design
SCOPE  – Schools and Colleges Permaculture
ReSCOPE – Regional SCOPE
ZAAB – Zambia alliance for Agroecology and Biodiversity
IP-Implementing Partners