Visiting Zambia October 24th -November 8th 2019

4 happy travellers went to Zambia this year – Lena, Lasse, Micke and Wenche! We hadn’t visited for awhile, so there was a lot to discuss, visit and follow up.

Another trip to Zambia is over with challenges, joys and meeting people. The tour-group was Lasse, Lena, Micke (Lasse’s bonus son) and Wenche. We passed all the checkpoints with lithium batteries in handluggage and a total of 19 computers on special luggage. Getting off the plane in Lusaka, the heat hit with its 38 degrees so we walked, worked and thought in “slow mode”.

Lasse wrote something like this: «Going to Zambia is a challenge. You are truly in the depths of Africa. No charter-tour really. In Lusaka, the capital, electricity was continuously cut off in area after area 12-20 hours per day. In 2016, it was cut only 4-5 hours a day. The hotel we stayed at has the heater turned on when the power was off but not at night. They promised airconditioning, but that only meant ceiling fans. It stops spinning when the power is turned off. A few hours later, when the power starts, it spins, but slower. Of course it will be incredibly hot in the room. The refrigerator gets cold at night, but has a room temperature during the day when the power is turned off and not turned on despite the unit running. We were without water when the power went out, but with the heater?, it barely dripped from the tap. We were often without water and informed the front desk every time. There we waited for fifteen minutes, or twice as long, before they helped us. Fortunately, the power went on in the evening and at night. Wifi dies when the power went out or the heater? goes off. If you ordered food (which I was poisoned by) at the hotel, it took at least 45 minutes before it arrived even if you only ordered one fried egg. But I’m not complaining. The people are incredibly nice, open and proud. You understand the difficulties and tough conditions they live in – they lack what is obvious to us. They are really fighting for daily life to work.»

Juanita, Jediadah and Priest, – Shekinah and Ps. D’s children

The country is incredibly corrupt at various levels and the Chinese are buying mines, building houses, businesses and now a new airport is being built with money borrowed from China. The workforce is allegedly Chinese criminals who have learned building construction in prisons and zones as construction workers in Zambia. Apparently it works very well.

Mrs and Mr Bushitse – Shekinah and Pastor Eddy

It was wonderful to meet the host family Eddy and Shekina Bushitse with their three wonderful children Jediadah, Priest and Juanita. They are always hospitable with great warmth and generosity. During these weeks we were with Eddy and Shekina on various activities and visits.
We thank God for this wonderful family!

Visiting Kacheta Primary- and Secondary School

Visiting the school was an incredibly positive experience. We, Shekina and Pastor Eddy, received a warm African welcome with song, dance and speech from teachers and students. We offered “fika”, handed out pens, notebooks and jeans and gave 2 computers to the principal. We had also printed t-shirts for the Permaculture Club-gang with the Home and Hope Zambia logo on. That was popular!

Shekina did a course in permaculture a year ago and committed herself to teach at two schools for three years. Kacheta is one of those schools where the Permaculture Club (voluntary to join) receives both theoretical and practical training. The students cultivate in the permaculture way around the school.

A performance – the lyrics are about the environment, then song and dance about unity.

In interviews with some of the children, they were proud of learning permaculture cultivation – partly to have food for the day, but also to eat healthy and organic food and get a strong body, as they said. Some were also interested in training to become farmers and “trainees” in permaculture.

Here is the lyrics of the song they sang and danced:
Share your love with those in need
live in unity we are one in the hand of God
Love and care
Share your Love with everyone
what you have in those in need

Live in unity, we are one, in the hand of God Love and care.
People of Africa, black and white,
tall and short, we are one.
Same heart, one heart,
let’s get together in unity.

Share you love with everyone,
what you have with those in need,
live in unity, we are one, in the hand of God, Love and care
share your love with everyone,
what you have with those in need live in unity, we are one, in the hand of God, Love and care

Everyone is on his own, segregation everywhere, what a shame, disunity, among tribes, change your mind we are one

Share you love with everyone,
what you have with those in need, live in unity, we are one, in the hand of God,
Live 1g Love 2g and care.

Let’s go for unity, Love one another
Together in peace
Let’s go for unity, Love one another
Together in peace

Share you love with everyone, what you have with those in need, live in unity we are one, in the hand of God Love and care

Live in unity, we are one, in the hand of God, Love and care

Back to Kambumbwe village

Same girls we met in 2016 and we can see a big positive difference! They look more healthy!
As usual we gather under the tree!
The Water-pump. Water really brings LIFE!

We have visited the village of Kambumbwe 5 times, – the last time 2 years ago, and a lot has happened during that time. The rugged sandy road has become a fairly nice asphalt-road. New houses, buildings and factories have sprung up along the road. The infrastructure has also been developed.

The well we drilled 2 years ago is very positive for the development of the village. The people have opportunities to bath, wash the dishes and do laundry. They can grow vegetables, eat healthy food and stay healthy and well. They also mix water with sand and build houses.
We got the impression that the children, young people and adults are better off. They looked happier and healthier. Above all, the children were more energetic and had clearer and fresher eyes. There are still problems with HIV, disease, poverty, etc. but this is hugh steps in the right direction.

Home of Hope Zambia plans a course in permaculture later at that same place.

As before, we gathered under the same big old tree. Pastor Eddy preached, we sang and Lena and Wenche greeted chosing their words well. Then “swedish fika” and juice (mixed with their own water) for everyone and distribution of clothes from Norway and Sweden. Wonderful moments!!

L2 plot

The heat and lack of water caused the bushes and trees to dry. Then a herd of goats grazed the dry grass. The owner, a farmer in the neighborhood, had borrowed the plot pending a fence around his own land. The gate and lock were ok, but unfortunately the house needed major maintenance. Paint, repairing, new windows and new door are needed. A young boy lived there, but he did not take responsibility for either the house nor the plot. Now our hope is on a family that is going to live there and take on responsibility. We rejoice in the water pump still working and that the house is solid and smart built so it keeps the heat out.


Lasse and Micke went on safari in Kafue National Park with Limbani, Shekina’s brother, as the driver. They rented a jeep and raced through the roadless rivers and wild jungle. It was a bumpy ride to say the least. At the back of the jeep, they burnt elephant-dung in a small jar. According to knowledge passed down through generations, the smoke would drive away tse-tse flies, which bite badly. They saw many hippos, elephants, ibex, impala, crocodiles, baboons, vultures and more..

Partying with our Children and Youth/ Young People

Bak fra venstre: Jackson, Chipego, Ruth, Kaluba, Tokozani, Goodson, Prudence,
Alice, Elisabeth, Melan og Mary
Foran fra venstre: Madaliso, Samson, Blessing (sister of Samson), Grace Tembo, Purity, Joyful, Naomi, Limpo, Felitus, Chipego’s bror, Jedidah, Juanita og Samsons søster.
Ikke tilstede på bildet: Mwelwa and Millicent Mungli, Grace og Brenda Machila, Priest.

Many of the children getting our support for 12 years have become young people. Most of them are very well, and 11 out of 15 are doing higher education. Jackson has entered medical school, Madalitso is studying administration / management and Shekainah plans to do the same. Two want to study for physiotherapists, two teachers and two pilots etc. We arranged a party and ate nice food at the home of our host family. Everyone boldly shared something good they had done for another person, and received a medal, loud shouts and applause! Good atmosphere! As dessert they got a chocolate plate from Sweden. Those who had started higher education received a computer.
We financially supported children/ youth in 1st-12th grade as well as scholarships for 3 who start college. It was really a nice and pleasant party.

Many thanks to all the donors who made this possible.

Children/ yourth who participated: Madaliso, Tokozani, Purity, Samson, Naomi, Joyful, Mwelwa, Kaluba, Ruth, Chipego, Jackson,  Grace Machila, Grace Tembo and Goodson . (Joseph Hapeya visited us before we left for home to say thanks for the computer.)

Participating mothers: Alice J. Mwale, Elisabeth M Mwale, Melan Mwansa, Millicent Mungili, Felitus Chilinda, Brenda Machila, Mary Musonda and Prudence Masaka.
Other children participating: Elisabeth’s daughter (Samson’s sister) og Prudence’ son (Brother of Chipego) as well as friends of Jedidah og Ps. D’s children.

Church (Christ Elect Family Church)

On Sunday we visited Pastor Eddy’s congregation of about 200 members. In the service was a lot of singing and dancing as it should be in Africa. Pastor Eddy gave a thorough and lively sermon on the meaning of the cross. SOHI contributed with a gift, – a handmade beautiful cross that went to the ceiling besides pots/ jars that did well in the church (see photo). The leaders were very thankful.


We had a rewarding meeting with Mugove, the leader and founder of SCOPE and our permaculture teacher. We evaluated the permaculture project and received good advice on further work on our websites and how we can apply for funding.

Lawrence Kazadi is one of the leaders of

Mugove Walter Nyika,  Shekina and Pastor Eddy

 “Department of Community Development” in Lusaka Province. It was a pleasant and educational meeting where we got an overview of how the system works and good advice on how we can apply for grants for our children/ young people to both primary and secondary school.

Nchimunya Sibajene, Memory Matasi, Wenche S. Manneråk, Limbani Manda og Susan Kazalwe

We attended Home of Hope Zambia’s annual meeting. They have new members who take responsibility and begin to see the importance of following rules and writing minutes and reports to maintain their NGO (non-governmental organization), HOHZ.

Wenche and Lena had a nice dinner with Priscilla, a wonderful friend we have had for 10 years now.

THANKS to all

Many thanks to everyone who supports our children’s education and scholarships. Shekina also receives a kind of compensation so she can work with permaculture courses and long-term follow-up of the schools. She also visits the village of Kambumbwe and provides social, spiritual and financial support to the villagers including school children. Your contribution makes a difference!

Many thanks to Roger for preparing the computers and Mona for food and good care during that work.

Finally, warm thanks to friends in Zambia and the travel-gang for everything you did to make this trip a success.

Stockholm, 28th of January 2020
Lena, Lasse, Micke and Wenche

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